Insights Blog
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Break Point: Skills for Life from the Tennis Court
“The mental side of the game is what makes the difference at the top.”
So how do you train your mind to reach peak condition and give yourself the best chance of success at work, at home and everywhere in between?
Here are 10 Tips from the tennis court to get you started.

How to Spring Forward without Losing Sleep
How to spring forward effectively: Tips to manage daylight savings time

What to Say and What Not to Say after RUOK?
Asking someone, “Are you okay?” is a great start. But what comes next? Sometimes we want to help, but we don’t because we are too worried that we might make it worse. Give your D&Ms a confidence-boost by learning what to say and what not to say after RUOK?

Rain & Rainbows
Dolly Parton said it best, “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” But how do you put up with the rain?

Kindness is a Superpower
Kindness is a superpower we can all use to improve our own lives and the lives of everyone around us.

Tips for successful deep & meaningfuls
What if you noticed some concerning changes in someone you cared about—what would you do? Here are some simple steps to empower you to approach your friends, family or colleagues who may need someone to lean on.

Naomi Osaka—A Show of Strength
Speaking up and taking time out is not an act of immaturity, petulance, preciousness or weakness, it is a show of strength, courage, wisdom and self-care.

How To Handle Pressure: 10 Tips from the Tennis Court
We need some stress and pressure to perform at our best, but how do we perform at our best when the pressure is mounting?
How to you handle pressure? Do you use it or lose it?
Here’s what I have learned by watching these athletes live and up close for over 25 years: The Top Ten Tips from the Tennis Court (and I saved the best for last!)

Be A Leader
12 Qualities of a Great Leader. Everyone has the capacity to be a great leader—at work, at home and everywhere in between. It’s time for all of us to be the leaders we want others to be.

The Pursuit of Happiness is Ruining our Lives
Happiness. That’s what we all want.
Be positive, to be happier! Seems like a worthy pursuit. What could go wrong?
Turns out a lot.
The pursuit of happiness is ruining our lives.

How to Handle Holiday Stress
The holiday season is supposed to joyful but it's also prime time for stress! And with the year we’ve had, the stress levels are likely to be through the roof. The pandemic has had an impact on our sense of safety, our ability to spend time with our loved ones, our levels of energy and motivation & for many, our financial circumstances. So take special care of yourself and have realistic expectations of what this holiday season has to offer.
Here is what you can expect of yourself over the holidays and some tips to make the best of a challenging time.

10 Ways to Cope with Coronavirus-Related Anxiety
Anxiety shows up whenever there is a threat—it serves to protect us by helping us take effective action that keeps us safe from harm. However, when we experience anxiety overload, our “fight or flight” instincts can lead to some of the unhelpful behaviours.
While the current social distancing measures are in place to keep us physically healthy, staying mentally healthy is also paramount. We all have our role to play to contribute to the efforts to keep ourselves and others safe. Here are 10 ways to cope and contribute during this time of crisis.