Skills for Life at Work
Because GOOD mental health
is GREAT for business
“Make mental health and well-being a priority, not just for your bottom line, but because you CARE about people.”
Dr. Lillian Nejad, Clinical Psychologist
Corporate courses
Dr. Lillian Nejad will work with you to provide what your team members need to improve their quality of life at work, at home and everywhere in between.
On-demand, Self-paced Mental Health eCourses
Access online courses via the Skills for Life learning platform or integrate ready-made courses on your own LMS. Current courses on offer are:
“Coping with Anxiety in Challenging Times”,
“Overcoming Insomnia",
“Quick Tips to Cope with Anxiety” &
“Practical Mindfulness”.
Virtual Courses +
Live Group Coaching
Skills for Life can provide packages that include ready-made eCourses plus live experiences including webinars, group coaching and Q&A that support and enhances your team’s learning.
Group Coaching Programs & Webinars
New “Burnout Prevention Program: for Leaders & Teams” contact me for details!
Customised Packages
Virtual + Live
Want to create a new course that specifically meets the well-being needs of your team members? Work with Dr. Lillian Nejad to design and deliver a fully customised package to address the specific needs of your workforce.
Sampling of Offers
Online Courses & Digital Workshops Guide

“Importantly, studies show that even when the practical considerations have been met, employees do not engage well or benefit from well-being initiatives unless they believe that their leaders are genuinely invested in improving the mental health and well-being of their workforce.”
Dr. Lillian Nejad
Clinical Psychologist
Our Values
Let’s work together to keep you and your workforce mentally healthy.
If you are a LEADER who:
believes in putting people first,
respects individual differences,
aims for equity, and
wants to ensure that your well-being program is giving people what they need in the way that they need it,
then our values align.
Customized Consultancy
Want a tailored program that caters to the culture & the needs of your industry and organization ?
Prefer an in-person experience as part of your workplace well-being strategy?
Whole life balance
Skills for Life is not about work/life balance, it’s about WHOLE life balance.
Skills for Life courses and coaching go beyond the basics of self-care and general well-being and deliver more in-depth strategies and skills that can assist people with well-being issues and concerns at home and at work.
It is well established that a happier and healthier workforce leads to increased productivity, less staff turnover and less sick days—but just because you offer well-being learning opportunities, that does not necessarily translate to your team engaging with them.
Obstacles to engagement include:
Topics do not resonate with team members, scope too narrow.
Delivery modality preferences not met.
Time-consuming & not easily integrated into work hours.
Does not offer practical strategies that can be applied immediately.
Privacy, confidentiality, & stigma concerns.
Well-being not seen as a genuine value of the organisation.

“A happier and healthier workforce leads to increased productivity, less staff turnover & less sick days”
Dr. Lillian Nejad
Clinical Psychologist & Founder of Skills for Life & Contain Your Brain
Skills for Life Courses
Find out why 14,000 people have chosen to learn, change and grow with Skills for Life
Overwhelmed? Worried? Dealing with difficult circumstances? It’s time to take charge of anxious feelings, thoughts and behaviors with practical, science-backed skills that can help you through tough times at home and at work.
Struggling with your sleep? It’s time to take effective action. Leave frustration behind with evidence-based skills and strategies that help you relax your mind and body so you fall sleep and stay asleep.
Experience the benefits of mindfulness - reduced worry & stress, improved focus, and a greater sense of well-being - and incorporate mindfulness in your daily routine with ease.
Worry less. Live more.
Contain Your Brain can enhance
well-being & boost the productivity
of your team.
White Paper
Mental Health in Hospitality: The need for industry-specific solutions
This white paper (2022) is a review of the current mental health issues among Australian hospitality workers. Lillian is a strong advocate for industry-specific approaches to effectively address mental health issues as work.
Life Skills for Leaders Podcast
Life Skills For Leaders is a podcast for managers, leaders and business owners that delves into the mental health issues that affect us in the workplace.
Join Dr. Lillian Nejad and her special guest, Daniel Hakim, CEO of CUB (The Club of United Business), as they talk about skills and strategies to help you, your team and your business.
Listen on Spotify and Apple Music
Practical Mindfulness playlist
This collection of recordings by Lillian introduces you to Practical Mindfulness through your senses.
Come to your senses with seven exercises that help you observe and nonjudgmentally experience what you see, hear, touch, taste and smell plus a grounding technique and a sensory awareness practice.
These recordings are great for beginners who want a simple and effective way to integrate mindfulness into their everyday lives.
Not sure where to start?
Schedule a Consultation
Let’s talk! I will work with you to:
Gain an understanding of the well-being needs of your workforce, not just at work but in life,
Determine your team’s preferred style(s) of learning and digesting information, and
Find out about any positive and negative experiences your team has had with well-being information and resources to gain insight into what aspects supported and were barriers to their learning.
As the Wellbeing Lead for a multinational organisation in the wholesale trade industry, creating partnerships in the mental health and wellbeing space can often be difficult. We need partners who take the time to understand our business, provide practical and commercial content and are relatable to our people. Lillian was a perfect fit!
With some of our teams undergoing change to their structure, ways of working and leadership, Lillian delivered face to face workshops taking the team through mindfulness and resilience. As a bit of a sceptic myself, Lillian’s approach was captivating and informative. Using an evidence-based approach and a mix of theory and practice, she was able to reach every participant no matter what their exposure to mindfulness and resilience. Her content helped our team throughout a difficult time in their careers.
We were then hit with COVID, and much like the rest of the world we needed to pivot and adapt like never before. Lillian’s agility, tech savvy nature and can-do attitude resulted in virtual resilience sessions being live streamed to audiences of up to 100 people, with evaluations rating her session as one of the most engaging of our wellbeing series.
She also created bite-size on-demand learning content for our teams to access when and where they needed, covering topics including holistic health, spotting the signs when yourself or others may not be ok, and how to check in on someone’s wellbeing. Lillian has an evidence-based approach and a warm and engaging style of delivery. Our people thoroughly enjoyed her sessions and she has been a strategic value add to our business.”
Ebony Alexander
HR Operations - Glen Cameron Group
Skills for Life is:
You can count of Skills for Life to be a reliable source for accurate, scientifically-backed information and strategies that go beyond the basics.
Skills for Life offers practical and effective strategies that you can implement immediately at home and at work.
We will proceed with integrity and genuineness. Skills for Life programs and resources are not a replacement for therapy.
We aim to make learning, changing and growing a positive and engaging experience.